Thursday, February 24, 2005

PLL - More on Subterrans:

The subterrans areanother race I created for PLL. It's not hard to guess where do these people live in. And if you don't get it by now... OK, they're underground people, OK?


Size-wise, subterrans aren't much different from humans. The first thing a person would notice about a subterran is his ears. Subterrran ears are about twice as big as normal humans in order to capture sound more efficiently. Another feature unique to them is their exceptionally huge arms and hands.

Subterran eyes are adapted to the darkness. Subterrans gain infrared vision after puberty. When they walk on normal ground, they have to wear 'day vision goggles' so that their eyes don't get damaged.

Subterran mages are trained in shadow manipulation and telekinesis.


Subterrans live in the cavern network of Wyridian, right under the Hizuran Mountains. It's hard to estimate how many subterrans are there in total becasue of the caverns' extensive reach. Hence, there isn't a central authority to bind the subterrans together. However, most subterrans live in communities in the larger caverns. There isn't a big job distinction between males and females because of their similar physique and strength, though merchants are mostly male (since they have to be away from their home) and miners are female.


Subterrans have very little hair, so it's not uncommon to see them wrapping their heads with cloths or bandannas. They wear very little, usually covering only the vital spots, since underground life is full of dirt and grime. Their attire is made of rough cloth so that they won't get worn out easily.

Subterrans prefer dlaws and daggers as their weapons.


The surrounding nations are in neutral terms with Wyridian. Though very few nations admit that they have trade ties with them, the underground market (pun not intended) of precious minerals and hitmen is what makes the subterrans a significant force in the world.

ZOMG I drew a girl!!!


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